18 rectal cancer patients were given similar medication for a long time and because of the therapy, malignant growth was totally crushed in each patient.

In a tiny clinical preliminary, 18 patients took a medication called Dostarlimab for close to a half year, and eventually, all of them saw their cancers vanish.

Dostarlimab is a medication with lab delivered particles that act as substitute antibodies in the human body.

Because of the therapy with the medication, malignant growth was totally annihilated in each patient - imperceptible by physical exam; endoscopy; positron emission tomography or PET Scans or MRI Scans.

Dr Luis A. Diaz J. of New York's Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center said this was “the first time this has happened in the history of cancer”.

The patients engaged with the clinical preliminary confronted difficult past therapies to decimate their disease

The findings are now making waves in the medical world.

For the preliminary, patients took Dostarlimab at regular intervals for a long time. They were all in comparative phases of their malignant growth - it was locally advanced in the rectum however had not spread to different organs.

The disease specialists who explored the medication told that the therapy looks encouraging, however a bigger scope trial is expected to check whether it will work for additional patients and in the event that the malignant growths are really disappearing.